大卫·张(David Chang)叫2006年前十名厨师之一由Food&Wine Magazine和他的旗舰餐厅momofuku是纽约东村餐厅现场的闪亮明星之一,因此在媒体上引起人们的关注时,他并不是新手,但是等待纽约时报弗兰克·布鲁尼(Frank Bruni)的最新企业的评论是一种令人不安的经历尽管如此。
张自己残障人士MOMOFUKU SSAM BAR有机会获得明星评论在Eater:“ Prune有一颗恒星 - 那是我的钱。手指摇摆着音乐太大的声音,以及关于某些元素如何阻止餐厅变得伟大的总结,但是这些不完美是使这个地方讨人喜欢的原因。”
那么布鲁尼对SSAM酒吧做了什么?他的评论came out online this morning: "There are reviews that introduce an unheralded chef to an unaware public and reviews that take a renegade view, saying a chef disrespected must be redeemed. Then there’s this one. If it came with a soundtrack, you’d hear the clattering of a bandwagon, along with the heavy thump of an overfed critic landing squarely (or is that roundly?) on it. That critic would be me, and his unsurprising message would be this: David Chang is a terrific cook, a pork-loving, pickle-happy individualist whose integration of Asian flavors and his own unbound sense of what’s delectable makes for some deliriously enjoyable meals." Ssam Bar gets a very loving pair of stars, and a lot of chefs are going to be very hungover today.