How to Assemble an Awesome Vegetable Platter
不wonder没有人喜欢吃蔬菜。想象一下,如果愿意,那是一个实际上是用新鲜时令蔬菜制成的蔬菜拼盘的世界。酥脆的粉红色萝卜在爱丽丝的田野中嬉戏,鲜绿色的绿色芦笋。苦味的忍者在警惕但有益的西葫芦的眼睛下,用甜,葡萄藤成熟的樱桃番茄与甜美,葡萄藤成熟的樱桃西红柿保持快乐。婴儿romaine生菜的叶子摆脱了抑制作用,说“ f*ck it”,然后先潜入自制的蘸料,与嫩的年轻传家宝胡萝卜旁边浸入瘦身,他们确实在做一些非常顽皮的事情。
不w is the time for you to upgrade your carrot-and-celery plate into a veritable orgy of hedonistic vegetal delights. All of this can be yours. All it takes is a trip to a good vegetable market, and just a bit of effort.
Tip #1: Get In The Right Frame of Mind.
停止将蔬菜拼盘视为默认的桌子空间 - upper和start将它们视为春季或夏季自助餐桌的核心。一旦您开始认真对待它们,也许他们也会开始认真对待您。
Tip #2: Don't Make a Shopping List.
可悲的是,但真实:春季和夏季农产品是短暂的野兽。两天前,芦笋完全甜美而酥脆,到达市场时,可能会枯萎和伍迪。购买蔬菜盘的最佳方法是使用您想要的一定数量的蔬菜(例如,每位客人八到四分之一磅)购买最好的东西。Use your nose and your eyes to guide you around the produce section (or better yet, the farm stand or farmers' market). With few exception, there are no spring or summer vegetables that惯于如果您正确对待蔬菜盘子,请在蔬菜盘子上工作。我们会稍后做到这一点。
那些白色的芦笋看起来是如此新鲜和清脆,但是那些婴儿的西葫芦和哇,那些紧张的婴儿纯朝鲜蓟是什么?或者嘿,那些看起来多汁的复活节彩蛋萝卜,它们呢?好消息是you don't have to decide between one or another.确保您的蔬菜拼盘令人难忘的最确定的方法是将尽可能多的不同的东西放在上面。
Tip #4: Go Shopping The Day Of (Or At The Earliest, The Day Before).
All vegetables lose quality as time goes by. For the most striking vegetable platter, make sure your vegetables are utterly fresh by buying them the morning you plan on serving them.如果您必须将它们存储过夜,这里有一些提示:
- 根茎类蔬菜例如胡萝卜,萝卜,萝卜,茴香等,应将其存放在较鲜蔬菜酥脆的一个松散封闭的塑料袋中。如果您想使用的蔬菜,请将蔬菜包裹在潮湿的纸巾中,然后将塑料袋松散地放在上面。
- Green vegetables喜欢asparagus, snap peas, zucchini, broccoli, and such, should be stored wrapped in a damp paper towel inside a plastic bag in the vegetable crisper.
- 生菜和其他多叶蔬菜such as endive, radicchio, or baby romaine/little gem should be stored wrapped in damp paper towels in a plastic bag, and left on the root for as long as possible. Do not separate lettuce leaves until just before serving.
- Tomatoes应在室温下存放。切勿在冰箱中放置新鲜的番茄,因为它会对质地产生负面影响。
我最喜欢的是经典绿色女神敷料,一种蛋黄酱和基于草药的蘸料,上面撒上凤尾鱼,这是西方最受欢迎的调味料,直到牧场来接管。你说你喜欢牧场?好吧,我们也可以在这方面为您提供帮助。Here's our recipe.
Is Blue Cheese your thing? (It's my thing, quite often), if so thisthree-minute, five-ingredient Blue Cheese Dressing应该解决这个问题。薯片并不是唯一搭配的东西真正的法式洋葱蘸酱,尽管我敢肯定,如果您在蔬菜盘中添加了一面薯条,则客人不会杀死您。
Another five-ingredient dip that takes a Greek twist is ourTyrokafteri,用鲜花羊毛和辣椒制成。甚至是经典的碎片蛋黄酱would make the perfect dipper for fresh spring vegetables.
Tip #6: Style!
That said, more often then not these days I prefer the"overflowing cornucopia"approach. That is, jam everything possible onto the plate, using a bit of care to make sure that colors are spaced out and that all the vegetables are showing their best side.
这些方法中的任何一种都比干 - 塑料 - 塑料 - 环状法方法更好。
My 18 Favorite Vegetable Platter Vegetables And How To Prepare Them
There's no way I could ever get through every possible vegetable you can put on a crudité platter, but here are the ones you are most likely to find, along with tips on the best way to prepare them. The key is to remember that folks are going to be eating with their hands, so vegetables have to be pick-upable, as well as dip-able in shape.
- Artichokes应该be peeled and pared down to the heart, choke removed, and simmered or steamed until tender. Baby artichokes can be left whole with just the pointy tips of the leaves removed, simmered or steamed until tender.
- Asparagus在所有不同的颜色中,如果非常细长,可以将原始且不受欢迎。较厚的茎应从顶部的两英寸及以下剥落,然后在煮沸的水中短暂地擦拭,并在冰水中震惊,同时仍然嫩化。
- Baby romaine, little gem, and other crisp small letuces应将尽可能近的时间分成单个叶子,在冷水中小心洗涤,然后在沙拉旋转器中旋转。
- 柿子椒应该be cored a de-stemmed, then cut into strips.
- Broccoli and cauliflower应首先将其分成一口大小的小花,然后根据其温柔,生生或更可能在沸腾的盐水中煮一会儿,在冰水中震惊,然后在沙拉旋转器中旋转干燥。
- 西兰花兔和西兰花应该在沸腾的盐水中涂一会儿,在冰水中震惊,然后在沙拉旋转器中旋转干燥。
- 胡萝卜和欧洲防风草会非常大小。可以将全尺寸胡萝卜切成棍子并生生(将它们存放在冷水中以保持湿润),而欧洲防风草应在沸腾的水中涂抹,直到嫩嫩。婴儿胡萝卜应剥落茎端(确保在剥皮时弄脏茎周围的肮脏的碎屑 - 它们喜欢指甲下的污垢),然后可以将其生成生或煮熟,直到在盐水中嫩嫩。
- Celery可以简单地切成棍子并食用。对于盛装的拼盘,应剥离芹菜,以去除任何长而刺耳的纤维螺纹。将芹菜存放在冰水中。
- 樱桃或葡萄番茄应该be served as-is. Keep them on the vine if possible for a prettier presentation.
- Cucumber应该be peeled, split in half lengthwise, the seeds removed with a spoon, then cut into sticks lengthwise.
- 饮食和相关的苦绿色例如Radicchio应该像小lettuces一样对待:将尽可能近地分成单个叶子,在冷水中小心洗涤,然后在沙拉旋转器中旋转干燥
- Fennel应将其中央核心和绿色茎移开,白色的bule切成薄片。
- 小提琴需要对任何露出的叶子或褐色碎片轻轻修剪,然后在煮沸的水中涂上约30秒钟,并在冰水中震惊。
- 绿豆can be served completely raw if very slim and tender. Thicker green beans (or wax beans) should be briefly blanched in boiling salted water and shocked in ice water.
- Jicama可以切成棍子并将其储存在湿纸巾中,直到食用为止。
- Radishes可以简单地擦洗并配上一些仍然固定为手柄的叶子。我特别喜欢甜,嫩,辣的小法国早餐萝卜。如果您的常规萝卜超大,则可以分为一半或四分之一。
- 豌豆和豌豆应该have their strings removed, then can be served completely raw, or very briefly blanched in salted boiling water and shocked in an ice bath.
- 西葫芦或夏季南瓜应该被但要插入棍子,然后在盐水沸腾的水中非常短暂地将其涂成冰浴中。如果您能找到婴儿南瓜,它们会特别美味。它们的质地比大的质地更宽松,风味更强烈,并且将它们涂抹得更容易,因为它们受到皮肤的保护。
Hello Eater!