Inside New York's Cult of the Bialy
Forget about the bagel. Crusty yet pliant and fragrant with a pocket of sweet but pungent sautéed onions, the bialy should be world famous. Just ask Mimi Sheraton, the former纽约Timesrestaurant critic who saw fit to写一本关于该主题的书,或您在Kossar或热面包厨房的排队等待新鲜的奉献者,只需刷黄油。对他们来说,无水的比亚利是纽约市的真正面包。
“双子更像是一种秘密的爱,”简·齐格曼(Jane Ziegelman)Tenement Museum解释说的烹饪计划。“每个人都知道你可以爱一个百吉饼。并不是每个人都知道你可以爱一个双方。”
So it was in 2014. As spiffed-up modern bagel boutiques made the bagel the talk of the town, the bialy was all but ignored. And that's a shame, really, because it's every bit as delicious. Its slender profile makes more balanced sandwiches. And unlike the bagel, which loses a reason to live after a few hours, the bialy is practically设计for toasting. It's good plain the next day, and even better when toasted and buttered.
“人们为什么爱Bialys?因为它是面粉,水,盐和酵母,洋葱烘烤。”弗雷德斯咖啡馆,这使得the city's best bagels还有它最好的bialys。
但是,使它们伟大的事物可能是在美国在这里遇到的残障。美国人与百吉饼混在一起,但面包确实属于面包专家安德鲁·科(Andrew Coe)所说的“犹太卷的伟大,被遗忘的传统”,更具体地说是洋葱面包。“有一堆犹太面包涉及洋葱,而不仅仅是双子,” Coe详细说明,“这些犹太面包也没有成为美国主流。”
"Growing up in New York, we had every kind of food. But my father was from the west side," Dave Zablocki recalled, "and we'd always come down to the Lower East Side to get pickles, bialys, and Chinese pork burns."
在法拉盛(Flushing科萨的bialys&Bagels, the historic store that is the center of the bialy-verse. He and his partners purchased the store in 2013, intent on restoring it to its former glory.
"The place that the bialy came from and the people who came from that place don't exist anymore," Evan Giniger, another owner, said. "They were very rapidly wiped out [by the Holocaust.]"
By the turn of the millennium, the bialy was, as Sheraton wrote, going the way of Nesselrode Pie. Even her beloved Kossar's, she bemoaned, was losing its touch. In the following years, the city's oldest bialy bakery closed as Kossar's continued its painful decline. Midwood's雪纺蛋糕中心独自一人携带昏暗的火炬。顺便说一句,喜来登的哀叹将激发这座城市的新时代的双重恋人,将面包带回来。
The bialy's fortunes changed in the mid-2000s, when热面包厨房, a social enterprise masked as a bakery, was asked to participate in the新的阿姆斯特丹市场。他们的面包系列受到他们所使用的移民妇女的启发。但是,随着农贸市场为纪念纽约的旧食物传统而建立的,新的阿姆斯特丹呼吁采取不同的东西。它要求Bialy。
"As a bread obsessive, I was fascinated by those undercooked doughy pucks with pink onions," Jessamyn Rodriguez, one of Hot Bread's founders, told me. "After I read Mimi's seminal book, I started my quest to develop a product that satisfied New Yorker's sense of what a bialy should be and was crunchy, dark, and delicious, like the ones consumed in old New York."
最终,在2009年(弗雷德(Freds)推出了双伊斯兰(Bialys)的同一年),热面包搬进了哈林(Harlem)的拉马奎塔(La Marqueta)的私人厨房,使他们能够扩展面包线。而且毫无疑问地提高了双重生产。罗德里格斯承认:“我们的广阔线条中没有其他面包能像我们的双重观点那样引起很多意见。”一方面,喜来登认为他们值得谈论,足以包括在她即将到来的1,000 Foods to Eat Before You Die。
如今,雪纺已经加入了一批面包店和餐馆,这些面包店和餐馆认真对待了Bialys。甚至布什威克罗伯塔的has gotten in on the action. Though their bialys are baked with disastrously sweet caramelized onions, their mere presence at America's hippest restaurant suggests that the bialy-eaters' grumbles have been heard.
不过,请越过纽约,您会发现Bialys一直在全国卷土重来。面包的传播部分是20世纪纽约和东北犹太人越野移民的结果。他们中的许多人降落在洛杉矶,包括费城出生的埃文·布鲁姆(Evan Bloom)的父亲明智的儿子。Many of the sources I've spoken with, from Straussman to Zoblocki, shared memories of a parent or relative who "always got bialys at the bagel store." Bloom was no exception. But for Wise Sons, adding bialys to the menu was a pragmatic—not sentimental—choice.
今天,Bialys在全国各地的著名面包店,洛杉矶,现场餐厅的外卖附件Gjelina,到安阿伯,他们一直在那里出售它们Zingerman's Bakehouse自2001年以来。实用性 - 不像百吉饼面团,在烘烤之前没有煮过野生面团 - 怀旧是一个恩赐,但是比利利的奉献者对面包的热爱很可能是面包卷最大的财富。考虑为什么尽管客户需求较低,但Zingerman's仍能保持烘烤双利。
1992年,当时的莫纳汉(Monahan)海鲜市场的执行合伙人弗兰克·卡洛洛(Frank Carrollo)被Zingerman's Deli的合作伙伴聘用,以开设面包店。卡洛洛(Carollo)在底特律的一所西西里 - 奥地利房屋中长大,不是面包师,所以他们把他置于布鲁克林的犹太面包师迈克·伦敦的指导下。卡罗洛(Carollo)在整个夏天与他度过了两个五周的会议之后,Zingerman的船员将伦敦带到密歇根州五天。他了解到,伦敦对他的大多数面包都不感兴趣。但是他为自己的双莉来说疯了。
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