为什么智利·雷勒诺斯(Chiles Rellenos)在德克萨斯州和卡尔 - 墨西哥餐厅(Cal-Mex)餐厅有了事后的想法?它们总是在菜单的“其他要放在组合盘子上”部分的折叠。很可惜,因为它们一直是我最喜欢的订购的东西。我从我的父母那里得到它,父母总是订购辣椒和冷冻的玛格丽塔酒,当我们前往总部位于加利福尼亚的连锁店El Torito时,该连锁店有一次分支机构从海岸延伸到海岸。(我从来没有学会过爱冷冻的玛格丽塔酒。)智利·雷伦诺斯(Chiles Rellenos),请注意,您不仅仅是Tex-Mex的事情。它们在边界以南的真正存在,尽管在墨西哥,您可能不会像在美国那样发现它们被霓虹橙奶酪窒息而窒息。
它们也是我使用我父亲教给我的方法:打开一罐Ortega烤的整个辣椒,小心地将它们铺在纸巾上,然后将每片切成薄片的杰克奶酪,每个人都会使用我爸爸教给我的方法:打开一罐Ortega烤整个辣椒,每个人都会使用我学到的最早的菜肴之一。这些辣椒没有上衣(或烤烤味),这意味着如果您想确保熔融奶酪在炸掉时不会从开口倒出,则必须非常小心。一旦辣椒被炸了salsa ranchera, letting the spicy salsa soak into the fluffy, golden egg batter.
I'm pretty sure that the only reason we used canned chilies back then is that it wasn't possible to get good fresh Poblano peppers in New York in the early '80s. That's not a problem anymore (and certainly not an issue near my current home in the Bay Area), and both my recipe and my technique have improved since those early can-based days. I've experimented with various chili-roasting methods and dozens of batter recipes and techniques, and I've finally nailed that salsa. Here's what I've learned.
The idea of searing liquids is not common in, say, most European cuisines, but it's a crucial step in many Mexican recipes. To do it, I heat up some lard or vegetable oil in a saucepan until it's just starting to smoke. I then immediately dump all of the salsa into the pot, giving it a violent sizzle before letting it reduce a bit to further concentrate its flavor.
Some chicken stock ensures that it has the right consistency. You're looking for something between a soup and a commercial jarred salsa here. There's going to be plenty of fluffy coating on the chilies to absorb this sauce down the line.
The Filling
You can keep things really simple here and go for straight-up grated Jack cheese in the filling—I often do enjoy the simplicity and clean flavors of a straight cheese filling—but, to make it a little heartier and provide extra texture, some chorizo makes a good addition. Of course, the filling is entirely up to you. I've seen Rick Bayless make a cheese and shrimp version; I've had fillings with no cheese at all, instead using a百果馅地面猪肉的调味料,温暖的香料,葡萄干和橄榄。ChickenTinga也会味道很好。但是香肠是一个不错的,简单的加载项。
您想寻找原始的,墨西哥风格的香肠,而不是干固化的西班牙式或预煮的品种。如果找不到新鲜的香肠,也可以自己做要么just use plain ground pork. (There's plenty of other interesting stuff going on here.)
I sauté an onion in a little vegetable oil, add a big pinch of Mexican oregano, then add the pork, breaking it up with a wooden spoon and cooking it until it's heated through before adding it to my bowl of grated cheese. The hot pork helps the cheese melt just a bit, which makes the filling denser, stickier, and easier to place inside the chilies without falling apart.
There are a couple of tricky steps coming up. The first is peeling the chilies without tearing them. The skins应该come off quite easily, but sometimes they like to stick and end up tearing holes into the chilies' flesh below. Just peel carefully, be patient, and you'll be rewarded. If you have a torch (a crème brûlée torch or a larger butane or propane torch will work), you can briefly torch areas where the skin seems to be sticking to burn it off. Don't worry if you have a few stray scraps of stubborn skin—so long as you get the bulk of it, nobody will complain.*
* And if theydo抱怨,我建议您下次不要邀请他们吃晚饭。
也就是说,智利·雷伦诺斯(Chiles Rellenos)的性质area little greasy and soggy. Most fried foods come out crisp and light. Not these. The fried batter should be tender and fluffy, almost like a poofy omelette (which is essentially what it is). Just like Japanese tempura served in broth, the beauty of chiles rellenos is the way that soft batter soaks up the soupy salsa.
如果所有这些深燃烧和打击都使您感到压力,这是个好消息。在世界上所有油炸食品中,智利雷琳诺斯(Chiles Rellenos)保持着最好的加热。将它们放在架子上的烤箱中烘烤,甚至比从油炸锅上直接烘烤的酥脆。
That said, I'm not always in a demure mood. You want to get down and dirty with your chiles rellenos? Here's what I suggest: Completely smother them in extra stuffing mixture before baking.
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