Chicago: Excellent Fusion Burgers at bopNgrill
1903教堂街,埃文斯顿IL 60201(map);847-733-7102;
Want Fries With That?薯条来自冷冻,在很大程度上是无味的,但是由于一些出色的浇头,它们会上瘾
价格:泡菜汉堡,$6; Loco Moco, $6; Kimchi Fries, $4.50; bNg Fries, $4
我不确定埃文斯顿是什么,但是那个芝加哥郊区的汉堡迷过着非常美好的生活。大约有75,000名永久居民和一群西北学生,所以它离一个小镇很远。但是这个地方做得很好,两个真正的顶级汉堡关节维纳和仍然冠军andEdzo的什么时候Bopngrillopened last year.
威廉·宋(William Song)在Le Cordon Blue训练有素,并在一些高端餐厅工作,然后独自一人出发。他注视的第一个空间是在埃文斯顿市中心,但是到他准备扳动扳机时,埃佐(Edzo)已经签署了租约。然后,宋然后将目光从市中心转移了,开业的商店是街对面的城镇的不太理想的一部分埃文斯顿镇高中。经过缓慢的几个月,Bopngrill已确立了芝加哥地区Burgerias的顶级阶段。
就像Bopngrill的八个专业汉堡一样,夏威夷米饭汉堡(以Hawaiian dish) starts with a quarter-pound ball of freshly ground beef that is pressed down onto the hot griddle. As the burger finishes cooking, it's doused in a short rib demi-glace before being put on the bun along with bacon, cheddar, grilled onions, and a fried egg.
这burgers are cooked to medium well and the thin patty definitely benefits from the extra shot of juicy beef the demi-glace provides. The bacon, cheese, and onions were all standard fare and went well with the burger. Normally, a fried egg works wonders on a simple burger like this, but for some reason the yolk bath proved to be just a little overwhelming. It ended up being the worst thing I had at bopNgrill, although still a very, very good casual burger.
这泡菜汉堡,on the other hand, was the best thing I tried. The burger features kimchi that Song's mother still makes at home and buries in her backyard until it's sufficiently fermented. The kimchi is balanced out by a mess of shredded regular cabbage, along with fried egg and bacon. The whole concoction is amped up with辣椒酱aioli, which comes across as a peppery version of a really good Thousand Island dressing.
Kimchi Burger是口味的出色组合,并具有构成大部分菜单的韩国汉堡联合主题(我还尚未经历的夏威夷受影响的盘子午餐部分)。即使这个汉堡没有得到Demi-Glace浴,牛肉的闪耀比Loco Moco更好,这可能是因为蛋黄在鸡蛋上煮得更多。面包,柔软的卷几乎不像看起来那样致密,在两个汉堡上都保持良好状态。
Bopngrillis a spartan shop with a tiny kitchen. When the place first opened and things were slow, there was time for fresh cut potatoes. As things got busier, Song switched to frozen spuds and he says customers haven't complained much. After eating the泡菜薯条,我明白为什么。冷冻薯条是我汉堡吃的祸根,但我无法停止将这些东西逼到我的食道。这些东西上面还有更多妈妈的泡菜,切碎的培根和大量融化的奶酪产品,这些东西使刺激性,咸,胖,肥,肉堆满了真棒。
几乎是成功的炸薯条topped with a pile of jalapeño and grilled onions, along with bacon, Parmesan, and a generous dollop of goopy cheese. The jalapeños were a bit toned down, which was probably a good thing given the quantity of the peppers, but meant that I didn't get quite the hot punch I was expecting. Once I readjusted myScovilleexpectations, I dove into these fries almost as enthusiastically as I did the kimchi fries. If bopNgrill returns to using fresh potatoes, both concoctions will rank among the area's best.
到目前为止,埃佐(Edzo)和维纳(Wiener)和仍然冠军仍然满足于坚持埃文斯顿(Evanston),但最年轻的埃文斯顿(Evanston)证明自己更雄心勃勃。几周前,宋打开了其次,位置要大得多在罗杰斯公园(Rogers Park)城市的最北侧。多亏了新地点的一个更大的厨房,Song计划扩大他的菜单,并可能使他的母亲更多地参与新的韩国产品和一些餐饮服务。我只是希望他留下一个空间,让某人进来切一些土豆。
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