Bottom Shelf Beer: Which Is The Best Superlight Beer?
Will Gordon drinks his way through the bottom shelf of the liquor you don’t have to.
上周四我转过身梅雷迪思the pizza lady's birthday into an excuse to drink too much in the afternoon, because I'm the sort of thoughtful and generous friend who will buy you a belated birthday lunch anyplace your heart desires as long as your heart desires pizza and beer at an old-man bar.
梅雷迪思doesn't drink much beer and she eats pizza for a living, but she's sweet as a peach and pretended to be excited to have her afternoon highjacked in pursuit of my vices. I had a blast and she had a headache and we both had pizza and it was a delightful time cut tragically short by my inability to drink beer for more than 6 or 8 consecutive hours in these, my golden years.
Bottom Shelf research fiancée Emily met us at another bar shortly after the sun finally died out, and she was in a great mood because the last thing she said before she left the house that morning was, "Hey, I have an idea, how about if I go to work and you go get drunk in the afternoon?" So she was ready for a good time, but I couldn't really keep up. I wanted to stay out all night, but I was too tired and bloated, so I just limped home to cover myself in barbecue sauce and glory while I considered the weighty matter of what kind of beer to serve at our wedding.
I'd just go the obvious self-indulgent route and serve my favorite beer, but my beer tastes are pretty fickle and I can't really declare a favorite. I drink Coniston Bluebird Bitter on special occasions, but I don't know how I'd get my hands on a keg or how I'd pay for one even if I did. A pint bottle of Bluebird goes for about $6.00, which gets awful expensive when you multiply it out by the necessary scores of big-drinking friends, family members, and Bottom Shelf readers.
But once we toss out the pricey Christmas-morning beers like Bluebird, money becomes much less of an object. If you go through a friendly bar manager, you can get a keg of, say, Rogue Dead Guy for about $140 around here. So that's what I intended to do, untilI considered the implications of serving you animals 6.5% ABV beer in the sun all day.I looked around online and realized that most of the beers I favor are at least 5.7% ABV, which isn't going to keep me and Grandma Irene in top form through the pie-cutting ceremony.
Good beer has gotten a little too strong in the past half-generation or so. Look atMaggie's post on long-haul beers. Too many of our comments started with "Well, it's a little strong for a true session beer, but how about..." For an all-day formal-dress keg event, I would prefer to stick with something under 5 percent, which would be fine if everyone liked drinking 20 Guinnesses in the sun as much as they should.
这带来了另一个令人不愉快的事情:我的客人和我本人不仅可以在一整天的高音啤酒中被信任地将其固定在一起,还有一些像Bland Beer这样的与会者。当老板告诉您时,Brew-Pub服务员培训中最令人沮丧的部分必须是:“这是您向要求最接近Bud Light的人提供的人。”好吧,我认为我婚礼上会有很多人。
因此,我开始浏览在线啤酒数据库的啤酒花和酒精少的东西,当然,这些数据库与标准的美国Macrolagers一起爬行,这意味着这是一个与任何考虑考虑的时间一样好来自米歇尔,百威和米勒的Newish Superlight啤酒。
这些是围绕低卡路里计数而销售的啤酒,即Mich Ultra(95卡路里),Bud Select 55和MGD 64-我应该已经意识到,这也意味着低酒精含量,因为酒精是如此的卡路里密集。您如何从一瓶Miller真正的草稿中切出一半的卡路里?正如您所怀疑的那样:减少一半的酒精。
Mich Ultra, the first of this dubious category, is also the highest in both calories (only 15 per serving less than Bud Light) and also alcohol (a respectable 4.1%). Bud 55 is 2.4 percent ABV and MGD's 2.8. Both of those strike me as a couple smidges too low to be of any use unless they taste excellent, and obviously they don't. I'm not looking to get Grandma Irene wasted, but I do want to get her dancing; under 3.0 percent ABV is ridiculous.
但是,我会说none of these beers are gross.我的意思是,它们怎么可能?如果您将相对无与伦比的轻啤酒大大浇水,那么您的冒犯性甚至不值得喝酒。MGD 64是我的最爱。它几乎是无味的,但是在侵略性碳化下潜伏的轻便麦芽味。Mich Ultra是最温和的人,所以我想这使其成为仇恨啤酒的最佳选择。Bud Select 55明显比其他两个更暗,并且具有更自信的味道,但是这种味道不好。玉米面和纸板,尽管不足以使其不可挖掘。
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