By now, you should be all set with Labor Day边和甜点,所以现在该开始考虑主事件了。像汉堡和烤鸡这样的旧档位可能很棒,但是劳动节是拔出大枪并正确送出夏天的时候。
To that end, we've got show-stopping grilled mains for every palate, from Peruvian-style chicken sandwiches to whole fish tacos and veganBanh mi。您将在我们对23个值得派对的劳动节主管的综述中找到必威365所有这些食谱以及更多食谱。
It's hard to beat a slice of gooey American cheese on a burger, but pimento cheese might come close. We process the spread until it's just about smooth before putting it on the burgers, to help it melt and stay emulsified. To stick with the spicy theme, we also garnish the burgers with pickled jalapeño slices.
最好的Grilled Hot Dogs
自然的热狗很容易烧烤 - 您可以将它们扔到火上,最终取得不错的成绩。但是,为了获得最佳风味(皮肤爆炸的风险最低),我们建议在迅速将它们烧在火焰中之前,先用啤酒和酸菜煮香肠。
Grilled Bratwurst With Warm German Potato Slaw
Grilled Tarragon-Mustard Chicken Skewers
Sweet, savory, and tangy flavors combine in the marinade for these chicken skewers, a simple mixture of mustard, honey, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and fresh tarragon. Tarragon's strong profile is balanced out here by sweetness and acidity from the other ingredients; acids in the lemon and mustard tenderize the chicken and add flavor simultaneously. Once the meat is marinated, there's nothing to do but thread it onto串并将其扔在炉子上 - 就像我们许多烧烤食谱一样,我们建议使用两区火,先用高火烹饪肉,但如果威胁要燃烧,则将其移至必威365凉爽的一面。
获取食谱Grilled Tarragon-Mustard Chicken Skewers »
It may not be what we've deemed ourbest grilled-chicken sandwich ever,但是这个版本从经典组成部分开始秘鲁风格的烤鸡, can't be too far behind. The chicken is marinated with salt, cumin, paprika, black pepper, garlic, vinegar, and vegetable oil before it's grilled, then served on sturdy rolls with lettuce, avocado, and a creamy cilantro- and jalapeño-based sauce.
Grilled Spicy Chicken Wings With Soy and Fish Sauce
Frying不是煮鸡翅的唯一方法 - 烤时它们会变得非常嫩和美味。在这里,我们将酱油,鱼酱,shaoxing葡萄酒和香料的组合在翅膀上腌制,然后再在两区火上烹饪:将它们大部分在凉爽的侧面烹饪,然后将其转移到较冷的一面酥脆。
Awhole grilled chicken只需盐和胡椒即可获得美味,但它也可以用作画布,使您可以使用各种其他口味。我偏爱用Za'atar涂上鸟 - 我们的自制版是牛至,百里香,咸味,芝麻,芝麻,漆树和盐的混合物。就像烤一样spatchcockingis the best way to cook a whole bird on the grill.
Grilled Whole Fish WithMolhoàCampanha(巴西人皮科·德·加洛(Pico de Gallo))
烤鱼片可以轻松,快速分配,但是整只鱼更容易烤好 - 皮肤可以保护肉并保持肉脱落。您的客人吃它会变得有些混乱,但这是有趣的一部分,对吗?在这里,我们烤整条鱼(布兰奇诺,鲭鱼和鳟鱼都是好赌注),并与它们一起服务molho à campanha, a vinegary Brazilian sauce similar topico de gallo。
用烤整条鱼的食谱MolhoàCampanha(巴西人皮科·德·加洛(Pico de Gallo)) »
Whole Grilled Fish Tacos
一旦你舒适烧烤整条鱼, you've got a whole world of options for how to eat it, and tacos are always a crowd-pleaser. In this recipe, we flavor the fish with salt, pepper, ancho chili powder, cumin, lime juice, and olive oil, then serve it with plenty of tortillas, pico de gallo, and fresh vegetables, so that guests can assemble their own tacos.
Grilled Shrimp With Garlic and Lemon
There are a couple secrets to makingperfect grilled shrimp。首先炮击虾,用盐和小苏打扔虾,使其保持牢固而多汁,并让它们空气干燥。准备好烧烤时,将虾紧紧地包装在串上,涂上油,然后将它们煮在火的最热部分。结果将是柔软,湿润,活泼的虾,并带有出色的炭。简单地用大蒜和柠檬调味您的烤虾,或将其扔掉chermoulafor a North African twist.
Chacarero Chileno(智利牛排和豆三明治)
获取食谱Chacarero Chileno(智利牛排和豆三明治)»
最好的Carne Asada
一个好的marinade是改善烤牛排的最简单方法。为了Carne Asada, that means chilies, citrus juice, olive oil, garlic, cilantro, cumin seed, coriander seed, and brown sugar. We also mix in soy sauce and fish sauce—two less-than-authentic ingredients that loyal Serious Eaters know are secret weapons for making food taste more savory.
Muffuletta风格的烤侧面牛排Salumi, Provolone, and Olive Salad
如果简单的腌料对您来说还不够怎么办?在烧烤之前,尝试用美味的食材卷起牛排,以使您的美味佳肴也可以表现出令人难以置信的演讲。我们有很多组合to choose from, but my favorite is this muffuletta-inspired version, in which we stuff the steak with cold cuts, provolone, and olive salad.
如果这将是您本年度的最后一次烹饪,那就通过尽可能多的餐点烧烤来计算它。这种三明治将烤猪里脊肉与烤李子,葱和墨西哥胡椒制成的美味酸辣酱,堆积在烤面包上。味o的色拉是唯一没有袭击火的东西 - 我们想让卷心菜脆脆地补充柔软的酸辣酱。
巴厘岛猪肉卫星(Sate Babi)搭配甜豆釉和花生酱
You could spend your whole summer grilling nothing but串。但是,如果您只想选择一个串,我会选择这款巴厘岛卫星,用胖猪肉烤制成,直到嫩烧焦。这道菜的核心是一种充满活力的香料糊,味道呈姜黄,柠檬草,辣椒等,我们既用它来腌制肉类,也可以用作甜的酱油和丰富的花生蘸酱的基础。
获取巴厘岛猪肉卫星的食谱(Sate Babi)带有甜豆釉和花生酱»
这些猪排从Adobo那里获得菲律宾风味,Adobo是一种用酱油,水和甘蔗醋制成的酸性腌料。(值得搜索品牌Datu Putifor the most authentic taste.) We marinate the chops for between eight and 24 hours before grilling, which tenderizes the meat just enough.
烤柠檬草和香菜腌制的豆腐越南三明治(纯素食主义者Banh mi)
如果您正在寻找一个完全美味的纯素食烤主菜,那么这些Banh Mi非常适合。对于泰国 - 越南融合的一点gai yang, along withvegan mayo和traditional banh mi ingredients, like jalapeño, cucumber, and pickled daikon and carrot.
获取烤柠檬草和香菜腌制豆腐越南三明治的食谱(纯素食主义者Banh mi) »
Grilled Spiced Cauliflower
The high heat of a grill is well suited to browning and crisping cauliflower, but florets are prone to falling through the grates. Our solution is to slice the cauliflower vertically into thick steaks, which we rub with a Pakistani-inspired spice mixture before grilling. Start the cauliflower on the hotter side of the grill; once the exterior is well charred, move it to the cooler side to finish cooking.