Shin Ramyun很糟糕!(万岁的Shin Ramyun!)
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编者注:您可能知道Sho Spaeth是编辑,而不是开发一个,而是三种不同的食谱必威365自制拉面面条。有趣的事实:他很高兴能在商店购买的东西上书呆子,这正是他在这个新的Instant-Noodle专栏中所要做的。表达的意见是作者自己的意见,不一定反映了认真的饮食人员的意见。请继续关注每个月的新分期付款!
If the invention of instant noodles in 1958 by Momofuku Ando, a Taiwanese immigrant living in Osaka, Japan, was one of the most consequential events in the history of food in the 20th century (it was), then the Nongshim Corporation’s creation of Shin Ramyun, which first went on sale in the Republic of Korea in 1986, deserves some kind of footnote in the annals of our collective culinary history.
就像将新世界马铃薯引入印度次大陆一样,最终导致aloo tikki,在我看来,土豆作为食物的神化,在我看来是瞬间面条的巅峰之作,这是任何创新毫无意义的过去。
理性的人可以不同意哪种瞬间面条是最好的。一个女人的印度是另一个女人的sapporo ichiban,正如他们所说的那样,没有学会。但是,否认Shin Ramyun是一个完美的产品,这似乎是愚蠢的,它揭示了对即时野生市场和使面条成为可能的技术的非常复杂的理解。
您可以指出牛肉汤基碱,以及在其他非常受欢迎的瞬间面条中如何保持少量零食,或者您可以指出它自豪,甚至是挑衅,辣(辣的大型汉字(每个包装上的大型汉字)代表“ Shin”,意思是“辣”),当它的许多竞争对手(尤其是来自日本)的竞争对手通常会积极地为咸味而定。您还可以指出每个小包中冷冻干燥的蔬菜的质量,以及它们表示原始蔬菜而不实际品尝类似的蔬菜的方式 - 一个与每个Lacroix中存在的概念天才。但是,Shin Ramyun超过竞争的主要方式是面条:它们是光滑的,不可抑制的卷发,即使过度越来越耐嚼,并且在使他们陷入困境时,它们非常有趣。
这就是为什么它如此神秘的原因,以至于Shin Ramyun杯面条如此糟糕。
可以肯定的是,Nongshim过去曾做过失误。2011年4月,该公司推出了Shin Ramyun Black*,营销头是一种高级产品,尽管如此,它还是以某种方式雕刻了Instant-Noodle经济的一部分。黑色提出的问题是:有一小部分面条人口愿意花两倍的钱给他们的Shin Ramyun,所有这些都花了一小包灰尘,可以模仿奶油Paitanconsistency? And a sad chorus from a small section of the noodle-eating public answered in the affirmative.
I suppose the Black also includes dehydrated vegetables that are cut a little larger, which ruins that life-likeliness I so admire in the dried stuff in the original and replaces it with the impression that, yes, these are dried vegetables, and—surprise!—dried vegetables are bad. And while the company also describes the Black as having a “pot-au-feu风味,增加了侮辱价格的谎言,面条是相同的弹力,弹性,卷曲(和乐趣!),其中包括原件中的面条,这似乎表明该公司可以犯(盈利)错误新产品和品牌练习,它足够精明,可以发挥其主要优势。
或者我想。但是前几天,我用流感卧床不起,我请妻子购买一包Shin Ramyun(“不是黑人,亲爱的上帝!”我从封面下面嘶哑)。她没有带我想要的东西回家,而是向我展示了杯子面条版本,我发现它是不可食用的。好奇心很激动,仍然卧床不起,我要求她购买胫骨碗的版本,以及一些我实际上可以吃的胫骨拉蒙,发现它们的质量也较低。在建立了您被迫在锅中准备的Shin Ramyun之后,我尝试了杯或碗版本,我尝试了Shin Black杯子,发现它也包含可怕的面条。
不相信我吗?看一看。底部的这里是Shin Ramyun杯子的面条,顶部是完美的原件。杯子版本看起来面团,脆弱,苍白和不可否认潮湿,完美的原版看起来春天,看起来光滑,看起来-是的,看起来! undeniably!—incredibly delicious, and I can attest that these noodles—literally these noodles on the plate, which I ate directly after they were documented for posterity—eat the way they appeared.
当然,对它们的差异的解释很明显:不同的制剂需要不同的表述。甚至一个相对较新的面条书呆子都知道公式的略有差异可能需要不同的烹饪时间, so an inferior Shin Ramyun noodle that’s designed to spend three minutes in a tepid water bath will be different than a very good one meant to be cooked like a proper noodle in boiling water. But the salient question is this: Why would Nongshim choose to produce a vastly inferior noodle for the more convenient version of its premier brand? Doesn't it possess the vast resources of a major food brand to devise a noodle destined for flimsy plastic cups and bowls that isn’t bad?
但是,当我在Shin Ramyun杯上查看成分清单时,在我看来,这不仅是化学和公式的问题,而且是工程学之一。假设一会儿,一个完美的面条产品的生产商设计了一个合理的传真面条,以便在相似的产品中使用,但随后面临着包装的局限性以及保持便利产品价格的紧急情况尽可能接近什么?换句话说,如果不是杯子中的面条的公式,那是问题,而是杯子本身呢?
The problem, if that was the case, would be that the water used to hydrate the noodles in the cup is not hot enough, whether one uses a microwave or pours boiling water in the cup. My attempt to test this found that this is likely partly the case. I opened up a Shin Ramyun Cup, took out the seasoning packet, then added water to the fill line, which I then poured out into a pot in order to ensure I had the correct volume of water. I brought the water to a boil, added the seasoning packet and the noodles, and cooked the noodles for the three minutes the packaging recommends. Simultaneously, I prepared another cup using boiling water from a carafe and another in the microwave, thereby covering the two "recommended" preparation methods.
然后结论是,为了方便起见而制造的Shin Ramyun产品患有不匹配的配方和制备方法。如果碗和杯子是用更坚固的材料制成的,可以隔热其物品,那么在浸泡时间持续时间内将水带到沸点附近,面条可能会受益。当然,另一种解决方案是制定面条,以便它们实际上被设计为在水中水合,比煮沸凉爽。
无论如何,Shin Ramyun便利产品中所包含的面条的当前状态是一种嘲笑,对真正出色的产品的侮辱是不幸的。
**清楚,不是Shin Ramyun Black!
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