
20081024 llongislandrw.jpg长岛现在不仅有一个,不仅有一个,而且还拥有两个餐厅周。秋季的化身 -长岛餐厅周- 11月2日至11月9日的筹款活动。(The vernal incarnation is Hamptons Restaurant Week.) Now in its 3rd year, with over 200 restaurants participating from Glen Cove to Montauk, the eight-day promotion isn’t just a chance for curious diners to try a new place in the less crowded off season. In a down economy, it’s a welcome cash flow bump to eateries, while also doubling as a great dining deal—$24.95 for a three-course prix fixe meal. (It is only offered until 7 p.m. on Saturday.)

与众不同汉普顿餐厅周,其中包括玻璃长岛葡萄酒,长岛餐厅周还没有这样的配对。但是,来自拿骚和萨福克郡西部的参与餐厅数量更多,这意味着比汉普顿版本提供的民族饮食更广泛。我没有尝试过Riverhead以东的许多关节,但我打算参观阿克巴餐厅在花园城(以曼哈顿化身也以坦杜里为重点的印度餐厅)和贝西托在罗斯林(一位朋友称其为拿骚县的La Fondita,指的是Amagansett餐厅,该餐厅为许多人认为东区最好的墨西哥食品提供服务。其厨师Matthew Lake以前在该市的Rosa Mexicana。
