Despite yesterday's spooky morning fog, we're finally seeing some genuine Spring weather in New York! We're itching to spend a lazy afternoon in our favorite parks—ideally with a nosh from somewhere nearby. Here are some of our favorite portable bites for impromptu picnics in the parks we love.
Central Park, Southwest Corner
Be sure to hit upBouchon Bakery在时代华纳三明治中心和一两个糕点中心。他们的烤奶酪和番茄汤是您在这个城市中发现的更好的演绎之一,烤牛肉,猪肉和火鸡三明治一直很棒。早晨新鲜时,粘圆面包和烤饼非常好。TKO(类似Oreo的三明治饼干)和花生酱饼干非常适合午餐。您可以在晚上野餐中添加一些班级,并带着几个优雅的微型蛋t。
Cheffier sandwiches and more pastry temptations lurk atEpicerie Boulud(百老汇和第65街),哥伦布圈以北几个街区。在中央公园里吃热狗可以使您觉得一切都在世界上。但是,与哈里萨(Harissa)一起在面包上的辛辣梅格斯香肠可能会更好。
If you can dodge the tourists crowding the Apple Store (为什么,游客,为什么?) and the horse-drawn carriages, there's plenty of good eating to be found on your way to the park. To-go lunch atmapȇche(第5和第6大街之间的第56街)是体验越南受越南人的大卫·张(David Chang)一角钱的好方法(好的,10美元,但仍然值得)。他们的Banh Mi启发的三明治和西兰花沙拉(!)是赢家,尤其是与一袋辛辣的木薯薯条配对时,他们会在吃饭时大声嘎吱作响。
如果您来自更南方,那么您没有任何借口不要停下来new Manhattan cartof Astoria's King of Falafel and Shawarma (Park Avenue and 53rd Street; 10 AM to 3 PM). These are some of the best chickpea fritters and spit-roasted meats in all of New York, and though the lines may be long, they couldn't be more worth it. You'll likely receive a free falafel while waiting in line; use it to sate your hunger on the way to Central Park's lawn.
There's also frequently street food right by the entrance to the park. When I worked nearby, theWafels和Dinges购物车是下午和傍晚漫步的可喜景象。您可以根据自己的胃口获得全大或迷你华夫饼。但是,必须有一群铅虫 - 刺伤花生酱cray叔叔的辣饼干酱 - 是必不可少的。
Bryant Park
科比公园(Bryant Park)是曼哈顿最具吸引力的户外空间之一,您可以花一天的时间在图书馆旅行时闲逛。在过去的几年中,西南航空公司一直在公园的西南角(得到它?)赞助公共阳台。有舒适的座位,带有阴影,免费的Wi-Fi,有礼貌的餐桌服务,并且绝对不需要购买任何东西坐在那里。这是公司赞助完全正确的一个例子,令我感到震惊的是,这并不比它更受欢迎。
Should you be coming from the West, you may be better served by a trip to theBiryani购物车(第六大街和第46街)。卡蒂卷(Kati Rolls) - 包裹着鸡肉咖喱或花椰菜和马铃薯的辛辣馅料的烤面包卷,以6美元的价格订购了两个。他们很繁重且令人满意,我最喜欢的一些在中城最喜欢的食物。当然是我最喜欢的街头食物。
还是一大堆地中海蔬菜怎么样?外卖Akdeniz土耳其美食(46th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues) offers Turkish classics that taste way more indulgent than they are. Split the fried eggplant with tomatoes, the shepherd salad, and some cheese- and dill-stuffed burek with some friends. And be sure to get some bread to sop up the vegetable juices.
So. Yes.摇棚。它在这里,麦迪逊广场公园野餐最好的部分之一就是能够观看这条线的潮起潮落。小心地挑选您的时刻,即使在阳光普照的一天,您也不必等待很长时间。
如果Shake Shack的品味太长,无法满足您的口味,请在Beecher的手工奶酪(Broadway和20th Street)上用三明治,在面包渴望上肥胖肉和浓郁的奶酪。soppressata和鸡蛋和无花果和切达干酪都是很好的选择。
Eataly(第23街和第24街之间的第五大道)在高峰时段是动物园,但它确实非常适合野餐。水果,奶酪,腌制的肉甚至酒(我们不会说)都很容易获得,这是完美的野餐。如果您将自己限制在一些通风的田饼或沉重的烤牛肉三明治中,也可以迅速进出。但是,对于“几乎是夏天”的经历,不要至少没有考虑一些冰淇淋就离开了。Eataly的Gelati和Sorbetti的风味并不是特别强烈,但它们的质地恰到好处。对于相对谦虚的甜点,请尝试他们的Fior di拿铁咖啡,该拿铁咖啡突出了纯净的,纯净的奶油。与Shake Shack的OMG OMG奶牛座在街对面相比,这是彻头彻尾的光。
Union Square
Union Square is a street food haven. At any given time you can expect three food trucks parked along the Southwest corner, selling everything from tacos to french fries to ice cream sandwiches. This is ideal if you and your picnic companions can't decide on just one thing for lunch or dinner. The quality of these trucks varies, but there's always plenty to choose from.
The area is also home to the downtown素食主义者(Park Avenue between 16th and 17th Streets), a go-to spot for respectable falafel and a surprisingly good (not to mention bottomless) salad bar. Don't skip their lemonade, pleasantly tart and totally refreshing.
如果您想要更丰盛的东西,Dos Toros(4th Avenue and 13th Street) has you covered. This San Francisco import doesn't represent the best of what the Bay Area burrito has to offer, but it's better than a vast majority of the Mexican food in New York. The ingredients are clean and honest-tasting, which on a perfect day may be all you need. Massive, overstuffed burritos are the obvious draw, but the quesadillas travel better; the ample (really,充足)奶酪充当防水,以防止玉米饼崩溃。
Washington Square Park
我认识的大学生吃了每一个作为野餐的餐点,因此华盛顿广场公园(Washington Square Park)有很多便携式的noshing选择不足为奇。说出您对该区域的NYU化的意愿,但是如果它是遥不可及的,那么Thelewala(West 3rd和Bleecker Street之间的MacDougal Street),有严重的救赎机会。这家以印度街道零食为灵感的商店是曼哈顿少数几个不错的菜,一些素食咖喱或一些很棒的地方之一卡蒂卷。这里的一切都比您在默里山(Murray Hill)住宅区发现的95%更好。
Thelewala doesn't sell dosas, but Thiru Kumar does at his纽约Dosas carton West 3rd Street along the South side of the park. These may be the ultimate shareable picnic chow: huge, messy enough to inspire joy, and designed to be eaten with your hands. Though his fillings aren't as impressive as what you might find at the better Jackson Heights dosa houses, the crepes themselves are exceptionally crisp and light. Be brave and get as many relishes as you can. They're wickedly spicy and totally spot-on.
不想印度人吗?怎么样的片状Snack Taverna(贝德福德街和莫顿街)?沙拉和三明治也值得一看,任何煮熟的蔬菜菜肴也是如此。是的,我们建议更多地中海蔬菜菜肴。但是它们在室温下很棒,因此非常适合户外零食。
如果您在大军广场附近,可以选择野餐晚餐。美食家应该毫不拖延地前进Bklyn Larder绝对是野餐者可以梦dream以求的一切:纽约大面包店的面包,精美的奶酪选择,精美的三明治,饮料和糖果以及准备好的食物,以及一切。只需知道您将为此高档野餐支付高档价格。
如果您想更多的全美人,请停下来吠;他们有汉堡,狗,辣椒薯条,还有杀手奶昔。(Bark和Bklyn Larder都距离大军广场大约有10分钟的步行路程。)如果您想要更便宜的东西?靠近大军的Flatbush伸展有五个汉堡包,克里斯蒂的牙买加馅饼,用于片状肉馅饼,以及El Castillo de Jagua,供大量的米饭,豆类或猪肉或猪肉三明治,价格为5美元。
Coming from the Slope?Bierkraft制作“引擎盖”中一些最好的三明治,它们配有薯条或苹果,使它们更加野餐。(显然,他们有令人难以置信的啤酒选择 -不是我们认可公众喝酒。The Islandsthat we'd feed our picnicking friends with Jamaican takeout any day.
-特别感谢凯里·琼斯for this section.
Honestly? Good luck trying to relax up there. Once it gets warm outside the High Line is more of a highway than a park, with DSLR-toting tourists replacing lumbering SUVs. But if you're feeling up to it (and with that view of the sunset, I hardly blame you), check out our指南在高线附近吃饭。
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