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好的,让我修改该语句。它是通常不是很好。看,mostpizza, like那不勒斯or纽约风格甚至deep dish pizzaare still edible, and in fact quite good even when they aren't at the peak of their form. There's a reason the old saying that "pizza is like sex—even when it's bad, it's good,"* exists, but it fails to take into account Greek pizza, which is only ever good when it's not terrible. There's no real middle ground here.
*or was it the other way around?
For you scientific types, if we were to graph the absolute quality of a pizza based on its commitment to the form versus the way it tastes, we'd get curves something like this.
But in order to be victorious, you must know and understand both your friends and your enemies.
Even without tasting it, the flaws are pretty obvious. We start with a crust that's so uniformly golden brown and fluffy looking that you don't need to imagine too hard to picture its dense-crumbed Wonderbread-like texture. Next we move on to a pale orange sauce that just screams "Spaghetti-O's!" Finally, we see a congealed, vast blanket of cheese. Rubbery, bland, and barely cooked.
This is a pie from乔治的在斗篷上,到目前为止,这是我拥有的最好的希腊披萨。
The Sauce
披萨酱不仅仅是披萨酱。就像在沿俄勒冈小径沿着俄勒冈州的步道沿途时决定是福特流还是四处走动一样,您必须了解周围的环境*。因此,对于纽约披萨,您会使用一种煮熟的,轻微的调味酱this one, while for a Neapolitan, you'd probably go with straight up San Marzano tomatoes blended with a bit of salt.
*Extra wagon wheels and time? Go around. Little Katie's got dysentery? Shore up that Prairie schooner and float'er across!
对于希腊披萨,您想要更深,更丰富,煮熟的番茄味。到达那里的最快方法?番茄酱。A cooked tomato product made by slowly reducing tomato juice, it has a distinct richness and slight metallic flavor.
Like theBel-Air王子,我的酱汁突然发现自己都是新鲜的andrich!
Bottom Shelf correspondent Will Gordon当他问...
Do low-end "house of pizza" places all cut their mozz w/ cheddar? The one I worked at in high school did and it was pretty standard middle-of-the-road Massachusetts Greek crud, so I assume it's common enough, but having a hard time finding confirmation. (Not real cheddar, obviously, but a big block from Sysco; I think its job is to provide actual flavor, since the big block of Sysco mozz doesn't do anything but melt nice.)
A 50/50 ratio of whole milk mozzarella and sharp white cheddar proved to be the ideal mixfor my palate, though I must admit: I got a little fancy pants and added a grating of good Parmigiano-Reggiano to the top of my pies as well. (Don't tell the Greeks.)
The Dough
与酱汁一样,希腊风格的披萨外壳本身就是野兽。它不太像碎石,这有点更通风,也不像方派/奶奶风格, which is a bit too chewy. It's more likeNew York style,但显然要厚得多。它用油在锅中煮熟,以便底部可以炸锅也很重要。
我发现面团的最简单/最佳方法是使用no-knead dough。That is, a dough that you bring together just minimally then allow to sit overnight at room temperature. Overnight, enzymes get to work breaking down long flour proteins into shorter ones, which then entangle themselves with one another to form the long, stretchy network of gluten which allows your dough to form those great airy, chewy bubbles.
Asides from the DL on the cheddar, Will's former life as a pie slinger also let me in on another bit of intel: perhaps it's not actually olive oil going into those pans.
看,according to Will, the Greek pie pans he worked with were greased with Crisco. Interesting.
想象一下,一个胖分子是一连串的康加舞者,每个人都用双手抓住他们面前的人的臀部。当每个人都用两只手握住(即脂肪完全饱和)时,线条非常不灵活,因此保持不动。现在想象一下,一个人决定在舞蹈进行时在手机上回答文字。粗鲁,是吗?他们举起一只手,突然在线路中造成了一个弱点。目前,这条线可以很容易地弯曲并形成扭结,而您的脂肪已经变成单不饱和。Now imagine that half the people in the line suddenly get text messages all at once (what are the chances?).你的脂肪现在是poly-unsaturated, and has gained the ability to become quite kinky indeed*。
重点是什么?好吧,脂肪的直至较直,更容易将其包装成牢固的结构。每种脂肪或油都由饱和和不饱和脂肪分子的组合组成,因此there's a direct relationship between how firm a fat is and the ratio of its saturated to unsaturated fats。如此稀薄,易于倒入的脂肪(例如橄榄油或低芥酸菜籽油)相对较低,饱和脂肪相对较低,使其煎炸较差。另一端是花生油,在室温下是粘性的。它产生异常清脆的食物。
走得更远,即使在室温下,您也会发现脂肪也很固体。大多数动物脂肪都属于这一类氢化。(Essentially, hydrogen molecules are forcefully added to the fat chain—the equivalent of putting a text message blocker on all those cell phones.)**
TL; DR版本:脂肪越坚固,地壳越脆。
**饱和脂肪长期以来一直是不健康的脂肪notthe same as反式- 现在被认为是不健康的脂肪,并且是一种不饱和脂肪的特殊类型,其中康加线不仅弯曲,而且有一半的成员颠倒了。我无法证明任何营养信息的有效性,似乎每天都在发生变化。我只是做得很好。当然,适度。
This crust was baked in a pan greased with Crisco shortening:
Crisp, thick, sturdy, almost flaky in texture. Sorely lacking in flavor.
You all coming along with me here? Good, because we're in the home stretch.
Assembly and Baking
I tried baking pies in round cake pans (fine, if you want to kinda wreck your cake pans with the high heat), in springform pans (bad idea, unless you enjoy oil dripping out onto the floor of your oven), and pie pans (works ok, but the pies are quite small) before finally settling on my old stand-by:the cast-iron pan.(是的,如果您没有铸铁,可以使用防烤箱不粘锅。或者只是得到铸铁锅。认真。)
I know, right?
The beauty of cooking in a pan is that if your bottom ain't done enough, alls you gotta do is drop it right on top of the stove and cook it over moderately low heat until the bottom is just as crisp, charred, or downright burnt as you'd like.
暴露于Great Heek Pizza的世界上的人数非常小,我告诉您,这是一个很棒的东西。足够好,您甚至可以说服您的意大利朋友,也许意大利是not所有与食物相关的事物时,一切都结束了。
最后一个注意:希腊披萨确实notreheat well, nor does it even sit well. It must be consumed within the first fifteen minutes after it comes out of the oven. I have a feeling that this won't a problem for most people.
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